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Főoldal »  Kataszter tagok »  Scheiber Ernő
Scheiber Ernő

Születési hely: Brassó
Születési idő: 1950. február 03.
Foglalkozás: egyetemi oktató
Beosztás: Előadótanár (docens)
Otthoni cím: Brassó
Kutatási téma: számítástechnika, numerikus anlízis
Tudományterület: Matematika és informatika
Tudományág: Informatika
Tudományos cím: A matematikai tudományok doktora


40 Analytical methods for airfoil optimization in the case of nonlinear problems in jet aerodynamics.
Mircea Lupu, Scheiber Ernest
Mathematical Reports, 3(53), 2001, no. 1, 33-43.

39. A multistep method to solve the initial value problem.
Scheiber Ernest
The 4-th Romanian-German Seminar on Approximation Theory and its Applications, Brasov, 2000. Eds. H. Gonska, D. Kacso, L. Beutel, Gerhard Marcator Univ., Duisburg, 124-132.

38. A parallel method to solve the initial value problem.
Scheiber Ernest
Proceedings of the 2nd Inter. Conference on Symmetry and Antisymmetry in Mathemathics, Formal Languages and Computer Science. Braşov, 2000, 351-358.

37. Optimal airfoil for symmetrical Helmholtz model in aerodynamics.
Lupu Mircea, Scheiber Ernest, Postelnicu Adrian
Proceedings of the 2nd Inter. Conference on Symmetry and Antisymmetry in Mathemathics, Formal Languages and Computer Science. Braşov, 2000, 185-197.

36. Optimisation Methods for Some Airfoils in the Case of Nonlinear Problems in Jet Aerodynamics
Lupu Mircea, Scheiber Ernest
Proceedings 16th IMACS World Congress, Lausanne, 2000, CD media, index 215-24.

35. Optimal airfoil in an inverse problem of jet aerodynamics.
Lupu Mircea, Scheiber Ernest
CAMES, 7(2000), no 2, 227-238.

34. The Numerical Solution of Theodorsen Integral Equation.
Scheiber Ernest
Computers and Mathematics with Application, 38, 1999, 221-231.

33. Optimal design in fluid jets aerodynamics in case of an inverse problem through analytical and numerical methods.
Lupu Mircea, Scheiber Ernest
Analele Univ. Bucureşti, 48, 1999, nr. 2, 131-142.

32. Algoritmi în pseudocod=Programare în MathCAD.
Scheiber Ernest
Restructuring of the (re)training of school teachers in Computer Science, ed. Computer Libris Agora, Cluj, 1999, 274-280.

31. On the integral equation for airfoil design in the case of inverse fluid jet problem.
Lupu Mircea, Scheiber Ernest
Libertas Math. 18, 1998, 107-118.

30. Some inverse problems of mechanisms theory and their numerical solutions.
Lupu Mircea, Scheiber Ernest
Révue Roumain des sciences techniques. Méchanique appliquée, 43, 1998, no.1, 107-126.

29. Optimal Design in Fluid Jets Aerodynamics in case of an Inverse Problem through Analytical and Numerical Methods.
Lupu Mircea, Scheiber Ernest
Proceedings of the VII-th International Conference “Numerical Methods in Continuum Mechanics”, High Tatras, Slovak Republic, 1998, ed. Kompis V., Žmindak M., Hučko B., 330-341.

28. Studiul unor probleme la limită inverse în cazul jeturilor fluide incompresibile.
Lupu Mircea, Scheiber Ernest
Studii şi cercetări matematice, 49, 1997, no. 3-4, 197-209.

27. Numerical solutions of an implicit differential equation for some inverse problems of mechanism theory.
Scheiber Ernest, Lupu Mircea
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 146, 1997,197- 214.

26. On the successive approximation method to solve an optimal control problem for the heat equation with unknown initial state.
Scheiber Ernest
The Annual Conference of the Rumanian Society of Mathematical Sciences. 1997, Bucharest, 343-353.

25. On the parallel version of the successive approximation method for quasilinear boundary value problems.
Scheiber Ernest
J. Computational and Applied Mathematics,72,1996,335-343

24. Computer Design of some Electromagnetic fields with given singularities using analytic functions.
Lupu Mircea, Scheiber Ernest
Proceedings of the 5-th International Conference of Electric and Electronic Equipments. Univ. "Transilvania" Braşov, 1996, 1-9.

23. On the parallel method to solve the Theodorsen integral equation.
Scheiber Ernest
ed. T. Jucan, H. Lucian, C. Masalagian, F.L. Flipea, Rocycs '96 Univ. "Al. I. Cuza" Iaşi, 1996, 175-189.

22. On the numerical solution of an implicit differential equation.
Scheiber Ernest, Lupu Mircea
ed. V. Felea, G. Ciobanu, Rocycs '93. Univ. "Al. I. Cuza" Iasi,1993,467-476.

21. A computer program to solve optimal control problems.
Scheiber Ernest
Bull. "Transylvania" Univ. Braşov, Ser. C, 35, 1993, 51-63.

20. A numerical problem in a univalence criterion.
Pascu Nicolae, Scheiber Ernest
Bull. "Transylvania" Univ. Braşov, Ser. C, 34, 1992, 69-76.

19. A numerical solution of optimal control problems based on the linearization method.
Scheiber Ernest
Bull. "Transylvania" Univ. Braşov, Ser. C, 34, 1992, 83-99.

18. An adaptive precision algorithm for the numerical solution of the optimal control problems by the linearization method.
Scheiber Ernest
ed. V. Barbu, Differential equations and control theory, Longman Scientific & Technic, 1991, 306-311.

17. On the convergence of the Sakawa Y. and Shindo Y. algorithm for optimal control.
Scheiber Ernest
Bull. "Transylvania" Univ. Braşov, Ser. C, 33, 1991, 11-18.

16. Sur la convergence d'une method d'integration du probleme de Cauchy relatif a une equation differentielle a argument retarde.
Scheiber Ernest, Socea Doina
Bul. Univ. Braşov, Ser. C, 31, 1989, 67-74.

15. An adaptive precision algorithm for numerical solution of optimal control problems by sucessive approximation metod.
Scheiber Ernest
Problems of control and information theory,19,1989,no.5,339-358.

14. On the convergence of a method of integrating Cauchy's problems.
Scheiber Ernest
Studia Univ. “Babeş-Bolyai” Cluj, Math., 31, 1986, no. 2, 38-43.

13. On the convergence of the Ritz method used simultaneously with the gradient projection method.
Scheiber Ernest
Itinerant Sem. on Func. Eq. Approx. and Convexity. Cluj-Napoca, 1989, 393-396.

12. Numerical solution of a nonlinear two point boundary value problem by optimal control methods.
Scheiber Ernest
Bul. Univ. Braşov, Ser. C, 30, 1988, 51-56.

11. On the convergence of the Ritz method used simultaneously with the penalty function method and the linearization method.
Scheiber Ernest
Itinerant Sem. on Func. Eq. Approx. and Convexity. Cluj-Napoca, 1988, 289-294.

10. A generalized Urabe theorem with applicationto nonlinear Fredholm integral equations of second kind.
Scheiber Ernest
Sem. on Mathematical Analysis, “Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca. Preprint 4, 1986, 133-138.

9. A quasi Newton method to solve unconstrained continous optimal control problems.
Scheiber Ernest
Itinerant Sem. on Func. Eq. Approx. and Convexity. Cluj-Napoca, 1986, 267-272.

8. Remark on the successive approximation method to solve quasilinear two point boundary value problem.
Scheiber Ernest
Sem. on Mathematical Analysis, “Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca. Preprint 7, 1985, 115-126.

7. Numerical solution of a nonlinear Volterra integral equation of second kind by optimal control methods.
Scheiber Ernest
Proc. of the Colloquim on Approx. and Optimization. Cluj-Napoca, 1984, 311- 320.

6. Monotonic linear extension for ordered modules their extremality and uniqueness.
Benko Jozsef, Scheiber Ernest
Mathematica, 25(48), 1983, no. 2, 119-126.

5. Solution exactes au cas du mouvement des fluides compressible , en presence d'ajustages de Borda generalises.
Lupu Mircea, Scheiber Ernest
Rev. Roumain de Math. Pures et Applique, 27, 1982, no. 5, 601-606.

4. Metodă pentru rezolvarea unui sistem de ecuaţii liniare de forma

Scheiber Ernest
Bul. Univ. Braşov, Ser. C, 23, 1981, 111-115.

3. Defalcarea planului de productie într-o intreprindere constructoare de maşini.
Scheiber Ernest, Nedelcu Nicolae, Anton Viorel, Ghiban Viorica.
în vol. Informatica pentru conducere. Progrese în informatica romanească. Cluj-Napoca, 1980, 169-170.

2. A Hahn-Banach type extension theorem for linear mapping into ordered modules.
Breckner W. Wolfgang, Scheiber Ernest
Mathematica, 19(42), 1977, n0.1, 13-27.

1. Calculul lotului şi ciclului de fabricatie a produselor într-o intreprindere constructoare de maşini.
Anton Mihai, Scheiber Ernest
Al II-lea Simpozion de informatică şi conducere. Cluj-Napoca, 1976, vol. 2, 3-8.

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