EME Könyvkiadó
2024 szeptember 26, csütörtök


 Ildikó P. Varga (1977) is a university lecturer at the Department of Hungarian Literary Studies, Babeș-Bolyai University. Graduated in 1999 from the same institution, where she studied Hungarian and Finnish language and literature. Obtained her Master's degree in Protestant church history in 2001, received her PhD degree in 2009. In her doctoral dissertation she examined the reception of Hungarian translations of the Finnish epic, Kalevala. Her main field of research is the theory and history of translation, Hungarian-Finnish cultural relations between 1880 and 1945. She has published a number of studies on these topics. In 2017 she published a volume, which contains six hundred annotated letters of the second Kalevala-translator Béla Vikár, highlighting the diversity of Hungarian-Finnish cultural relations.
With a visiting scholarship from the Center for International Mobility (now: EDUFI) in Finland she has had the opportunity to do archival research in Helsinki several times. She also taught at the Hungarian Department of the University of Helsinki for half a year. She was on several occasions also a scholarship holder of the Domus Hungarica launched by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
Email:  ildiko.varga@ubbcluj.ro

Tamás Fejér (1977), historian, research fellow at the Zsigmond Jakó Research Institute of the Transylvanian Museum Society. In 1999 he graduated from the Faculty of History and Philosophy of the Babeș-Bolyai University, he obtained in 2000 a Master's degree from the same faculty, and in 2011 a PhD degree from the Faculty of Reformed Theology of the BBU. Since 2018, he is the editor of the Transylvanian Historical Data (Erdélyi Történelmi Adatok) series of source editions published by the Transylvanian Museum Society.

Research fields: editing and publishing early modern Transylvanian historical sources, the history of administration and central government institutions in the 16th century, with particular regard to the personnel and functioning of the princely chancellery.

Some of his important works: Az erdélyi fejedelmek királyi könyvei. I. 1569–1602. I/1. János Zsigmond királyi könyve 1569–1570. – I/2. Báthory Kristóf királyi könyve 1580–1581. – I/3. Báthory Zsigmond királyi könyvei 1582–1602. (Erdélyi Történelmi Adatok VII. 1–3. Szerk. Jakó Zsigmond.) Mutatókkal és jegyzetekkel regesztákban közzéteszi Fejér Tamás – Rácz Etelka – Szász Anikó. Kolozsvár, 2003–2005.


Email: fejertamas77@yahoo.com

Vilmos Tánczos
University Professor of the Department of Hungarian Ethnology and Anthropology of the Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj. He was born in 1959 in Sâncrăieni, Harghita, earned his BA degree in Hungarian and Russian in Cluj in 1983. He defended his doctoral dissertation at the Department of Hungarian Language and Culture in 1999, by the title: Archaic Popular Prayers of the Csángós of Moldavia. Archetypal symbolism and life space. His main field of research is popular religion, focusing on the analysis of the sacred culture of the Csángós of Moldavia. His primary interest has been the sacred genres of Moldavian Csángó folklore, especially the collection and interpretation of archaic apocryphal popular prayers. He has published several volumes in the field of ethnology of religion.
Published works:
Gyöngyökkel gyökereztél. Gyimesi és moldvai archaikus imádságok. (Archaic prayers from Gyimes region and Moldavia) Csíkszereda, Pro Print Kiadó, 1995. (2nd ed., 1996.); Keletnek megnyílt kapuja. Néprajzi esszék. (Essays in ethnology) Kolozsvár, KOMP Press Korunk Baráti Társaság, Ariadné Könyvek, 1996. (2nd ed: Csíkszereda (Miercurea Ciuc), Pro Print Kiadó, 2000.); Csapdosó angyal. Moldvai archaikus imádságok és életterük. (Moldavian archaic prayers and their life space) Csíkszereda, Pro Print Kiadó, Krónika Könyvek, 1999.; Aufgetan ist das Tor des Ostens. Volkskundliche Essays und Aufsätze. Csíkszereda, Pro Print, 1999.; Eleven ostya, szép virág. A moldvai csángó népi imák képei. (Images of Moldavian Csángó popular prayers) Csíkszereda, Pro Print Kiadó, Krónika Könyvek, 2000.; Nyiss kaput, angyal! Moldvai csángó népi imádságok. Archetipikus szimbolizáció és élettér. (Moldavian Csángó popular prayers. Archetypal symbolism and life space) Budapest, Püski Kiadó, 2001.; Folklórszimbólumok. (Folkloric symbolism) Kolozsvár, KJNT–BBTE Magyar Néprajz és Kulturális Antropológia Tanszék, 2006.; Szimbolikus formák a folklórban. (Symbolic forms in folklore) Budapest, Kairosz Kiadó, 2007.; Elejtett szavak. Egy csíki székely ember nyelve és világképe. (Dropped words. The language and worldview of a Szekler man from Csík region) Csíkszereda, Bookart, 2008.
 Email: tanczosvilmos @ yahoo.com
Károly Veress
professor of philosophy, was born in Sovata in 1953. Graduated from Babeş-Bolyai University, Department of Philosophy, in 1976. Doctor of Philosophy. Has been teaching at BBU Cluj since 1992, University Professor since 2004. Currently he is Head of the Department of Systematic Philosophy.
Field of research: semiotics, epistemology, hermeneutics, language and cultural philosophy.
Membership: President of the Bolyai Society, member of: EME, Hungarian Philosophical Society, Academic Committee of Cluj (KAB) and of the Public Body of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA).
Editorial activity: editor of the philosophy section of Erdélyi Múzeum; member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the philosophical journal Kellék and the online periodical Journal for Study of Religions and Ideologies. Author of university notes. Editor of volumes on philosophical subjects. His studies, essays, reviews, articles appeared in journals, periodicals, and conference volumes published in Romania and Hungary.
Major studies: A tényprobléma és megközelítései (The problem of fact and its approaches) (1989); Egy kisebbségi létparadoxon értelmezési szintjei (Interpretational levels of a minority existential paradox) (2002); A módszerprobléma – hermeneutikai megvilágításban (The problem of method – in a hermeneutic approach) (2002); Közelítések az értelmező vizsgálódáshoz (Approaches to interpretive investigation) (2006); A megértés folyamata (The process of understanding) (2006); Szöveg és tapasztalat határán (On the edge of text and experience) (2007); A liberális hagyomány értelmezési horizontjai a két világháború közötti romániai magyar kultúrában (Interpretive horizons of liberal tradition in Hungarian culture from Romania between the two World Wars) (2008).
Books: Paradox (tudat)állapotok (Paradox (consciousness)states) (1996); A nemzedékváltás szerepe a kultúrában (The cultural role of generational change) (1999); Filozófiai szemiotika (Philosophical semiotics) (1999); Kisebbségi létproblémák (Minority existential problems) (2000); Egy létparadoxon színe és visszája (Aspects of an existential paradox) (2003); Az értelem értelméről (On the meaning of meaning) (2003); Fiinţa generaţională şi destinul culturii (The generational being and the destiny of culture) (2003); A megértés csodájáról (On the miracle of understanding) (2006); Bevezetés a hermeneutikába (Introduction to hermeneutics) (2007).
 Email: veress_k @ yahoo.com
Kinga Papp (1983) is a researcher at the Zsigmond Jakó Research Institute of the Transylvanian Museum Society. In 2006 she graduated from the Faculty of Letters of the Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, with a degree in Latin-Hungarian Studies. In 2007 she obtained her Master's degree in Literature and Society from the same university. Between 2009-2011 she was a PhD student at the Doctoral School of Hungarian Studies of the UBB, and obtained her PhD degree in 2012. Her research interests include early Hungarian literature; she focuses especially on the use of writing, self-representation and private correspondence of Transylvanian noblemen in the Early Modern period; early modern women’s writing habits, the history of writing and reading in the Early Modern period, subjects on which she has published several papers and a book (Tollforgató Kálnokiak, EME, Kolozsvár, 2015). Her professional results are mostly based on archival research in Transylvania and Hungary. Since 2014, she has been the editorial secretary of the EME publishing house and editor of several volumes.
Email: papp.kinga@eme.ro