EME Könyvkiadó
2024 július 02, kedd


Advisory Board
János Barta (1940) historian.
Affiliation: Professor Emeritus, Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. (Retired in 2010 from the University of Debrecen, Hungary.)
Research areas: Hungary in the 18th century; East Central European social and economic history in the Early Modern Period; Enlightened Absolutism.
Address: H 4032 Debrecen, Egyetem tér 1. BTK Történelmi Intézet (Department of History).
Phone: +36 – 52 – 489 100 / 22130
Johanna Domokos, PhD (1970)
Affiliation: Associate Professor, Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem, Budapest
Research areas: Transculturality, Performance studies, Minority literature
Adress: Osningstr. 5, 33824 Werther (Germany)
Phone: +49 5203 296962
Emese Egyed, PhD (1957)
Affiliation: University Professor, Babeș-Bolyai University, Departemnt of Hungarian Literary Studies
Research areas: history of European literature and theater, French-Hungarian cultural relations
Adress: 400202 Cluj, str. Horea 31.
Phone: +40 745 775184

András Kovács (1946), art historian
Affiliation: Professor Emeritus, Babeș-Bolyai University, Department of Art History, Cluj-Napoca
Research areas: Transylvanian Renaissance, Transylvanian medieval and early modern art, especially in the 16th-17th century
Adress: Societatea Muzeului Ardelean (Transylvanian Museum Society), 400009 Cluj-Napoca, Napoca 2–4.
E-mail: akovacs46@ yahoo.com
Phone: +40 264 595176
Prof. Dr. habil. Sándor Gebei (1947)
Affiliation: Professor Emeritus of Eszterházy Károly University (Eger, Hungary)
Research areas: Foreign Policy of Transylvanian Principality in 16-18th. Century; Changing of Power Affairs in Middle – East Europe in 16-18th century; Rzeczpospolita (Ukraine) - Russia (17-18. sz.) bilateral Affairs
E-mail: gebei.sandor@uni-eszterhazy.hu
Phone:  (+36-36-520-400) 2058
Konrad Gündisch (1948), PhD, historian (https://www.bkge.de/BKGE/MitarbeiterInnen/Ehemalige/Guendisch/)
Affiliation: Bundesinstitut für Kultur und Geschichte der Deutschen im östlichen Europa (Oldenburg, Germany, retired scientific director), Honorary Professor of the University Carl von Ossietzky from Oldenburg and of the Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj
Research areas: History of medieval and Early Modern Transylvania; History of the Transylvanian Saxons; Urban History in Central and Eastern Europe (16-18th centuries); Edition of historical sources from the medieval period
E-mail: konradguen@gmx.de
Phone: 0441/9619520
Gizella Horváth, PhD (1962)
Affiliation: Professor, Partium Christian University, Oradea
Research areas: esztétika, művészetszociológia
Adress: str. Primariei 36. Oradea 410209
Phone: +40-259-418252
Magdolna Kovács, PhD (1957) 
Affiliation: Associate Professor, University of Helsinki 
Research areas: sociolinguistics
Adress: PL 24 (Unioninkatu 40A), 00014 University of Helsinki
E-mail: magdolna.kovacs@helsinki.fi
Phone: +358407062906
Prof. Dr. Habil. Tamás Mohay (1959) ethnographer, anthropologist,
Affiliation: Professor at the Department of Ethnography of the Ethnographic Institute of the Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest. 
Research areas: European ethnology, peasant society, peasant farming, religious holidays, folk religion, pilgrimage, individuals and life paths, regionality, local identity social networks, history of ethnography.
Address: Department of Ethnography of the Ethnographic Institute of the Eötvös Loránd University, 1088 Budapest, Múzeum körút 6–8.
E-mail: mohayt@elte.hu
Phone: +36 30 9352 304
István Monok (1956)
Affiliation: Director General, Library and Informations Centre of Hungarian Academy of Sciences; University professor, University of Szeged
Research areas: régi magyar irodalomtörténet, kora újkori magyar művelődéstörténet, 3–17. századi könyv- és olvasmánytörténet
Adress: Budapest, V. ker., Arany János u. 1, 406. szoba
E-mail: monok.istvan@konyvtar.mta.hu
Phone: +36 1 411-6302
Csaba Olay, prof, habil., PhD (1970)
Affiliation: ELTE BTK Újkori és Jelenkori Filozófia Tanszék
Research areas: 19-20. századi kontinentális filozófia, egzisztencializmus, hermeneutika, politikai filozófia, Heidegger, Jaspers, Gadamer, Hannah Arendt, Frankfurti Iskola
Adress: 1088 Budapest, Múzeum krt. 4/I 
Phone: +36-1-411-6500 (5200)
Professor Árpád Szakolczai, PhD (1958)
Affiliation: Full Professor of Sociology at University College Cork, Ireland.
Research areas: cultural sociology, anthropology, cultural studies, philosophy of religion, social theory.
Address: University College Cork, Department of Sociology, Askive Building, O’Donovan’s Road, Cork, Ireland